



I was on hold with a doctor's office who was located in Houston Texas and the country music station hold music was playing this horrendous song about how the singer finds this woman's beer gut attractive. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? really? My head is about to explode. Why is this popular? Why is this popular enough to go radio play? WHO THE EFF THINKS THIS MUSIC IS GOOD? In any way shape or form? Is this what our society is reduced to? songs... about BEER GUTS!!! Is the stupidity level getting to the point where we are not only embracing being out of shape, but writing songs to celebrate it?! Forgive me for saying this, but this proves my point that country listeners are probably dumb. Perhaps getting thrown off the mechanical bull too many times has knocked something loose in your brain and you are just suffering from a mild case or temporary stupidity but for the love of pete.. beer guts? What ever happened to musicanship? thoughtful songwriting? I thought music was an Art, not a way to make money. Beethoven is turning over in his 4 century old grave, im sure this is what he imagined for the future of music. I am so fired up right now, its not even funny. I'm feeling lightheaded from all this ranting, i need to go take a 5 min break and calm down.

On a side note: Happy National Play-doh Day.


The last couple months

I have missed this. I have missed the therapy of writing and scrawlling my thoughts, feelings and personality across the electronic ambiguity that is the Internet. For some odd reason I feel comfort in the hustle and bustle of electrons across this alternate reality that we call the Internet. Where else can you be completely exposed and secluded at the same time? The answer is Montana but that's a different story altogether.

So its been along month or two and I feel like I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll start with some cool band stuff then just to get the ball rollin'. So I joined the band Downcast Fable about 3 months ago and we were sort of on hiatus for a while during some adjustment period but finally we started practicing again. So we practiced for about a month and had a warm up show at Chryo (Chyro?) Arts in Scottsdale and at Life way Church all the out in Buckeye. It was fun and refreshing to play live music again seeing as how I hadn't played live since 2005 for the Adventure worship/youth service (holla' if you were there!). If you know me, you know that I am not one who is reserved about many things. If fact I'm down right abrasive, opinionated and brutally honest sometimes (to my fault, admittedly). One thing I do not lack is passion and my music is no exception. I had to evaluate myself and why I love to play music when I joined the band and make sure I was doing it for the right reasons. I can say without a doubt that its the most fun and rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. Knowing that we playing our music, and people are responding positively to it. There are always the little kids that just love loud noises who say were are "AMG SO AWESOME!", and I appreciate their enthusiasm. I'm always pleased when someone I don't know, who doesn't know me compliments the music and the message. My point in mentioning the passion is that I was somewhat reserved in my on-stage antics in the first couple shows. I was being more focused on my notes rather than what I looked like and that was apparently boring to watch.. who knew? While I still hold accuracy while playing in very high importance, showing passion on stage and really connecting with the audience is almost as important as the actual music. Emery for example, I have never gone to one of their shows and left feeling disconnected from them even though they were on stage and I am just a fan. That is my goal, for you to look me in the eye and know the passion that I have for the music and the message. I could go on about this for hours but I'll spare you and myself cause I'm tired as it is.

The Band has really been consuming a lot of my time so really that's the only thing of note to talk about. The only other cool thing that's happening is I'll be moving in with my best friend and his new house in the beginning of October. It's something we have been talking about/planning since January so it nice to have the plans finally work out and share a residence with one of my closest friends.

So this was more of a "how I'm doing" blog rather than a reflective blog post but hold fast to hope friends, one is in the works. =)


long time..

I know it been along time since i posted and im sure only 1 person reads this blog so Rob.. hey buddy, whats up?

I have been super busy with the band and living at home temporarily (which is fun but exhausting) so the blog has fallen by the wayside. FEAR NOT faithful reader(s)!! New blog shall be posted soon! With updates! Pics! Advertisements! Giveaways! FLASHING THINGIES!! Im not going to lie, the flashing thingies are making me excited. I dont know where they will come from but i will find them. Oh yes, you will have flashing thingies!

Anyways, peace. =)