
Busy Busy Busy

This month has sucked for me in terms of time. While working full time and have had to move back in with my mom (long story, maybe a post if I CAN GET SOME FREAKING FREE TIME) and phoenix is starting to really heat up. My car is feeling more and more like a microwave every day after work. Other than that i have been doing better on my life style changes, haven't had a soda in like a month and Fast food has been Very few and far between. I also got a... *dun duh na na* a haircut. Omg its weird having short hair again but so much easier to take care of. Anyways, just working my butt off and trying to find free time for the gym and my life. I'll try and post something epic and life changing on Friday because its my 1 day where i have nothing to do, but don't count on it. Count on it being more annoying, smelly and sarcastic as a whole.

2 minutes left on break, BATHROOOOOOMMMM GOOOOOOO!!

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