
Old Habits Die Hard....

So I'm moving, yeah it sucks but sometimes you have to/need to and i believe this is a case of both. My roommates have always been cool, even though i think one of them is WAY overbearing on the other. I'm not going to start down that road because its a long one. Regardless, I'm moving. So i have to be out by this Sunday seeing as how its the last day of the month and i payed up through then. I have been putting off getting in shape for a long time because, well I'm lazy. It is too easy for me to be lazy where I'm living due to the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii that are connected to our 50' TV in the living room (omg i want to play Mario cart right now...). It was FAR to easy to order pizza from hungry howies twice a week due to the fact that I know it will be delivered in under 30 min.

So sense I'm moving back in with my mom for about a month or two (its a long story that i choose not to blog about) i have decided to start exercising and eating better so that i can drop at least 30 pounds. That's my goal at least. When i re-read what i just said, it drives home the point that i have a log way to go (hahahaha *cries*).

So I arrive at work today and I am met with our chipper, energizer bunny, boarder line PCP user supervisor with a clipboard and a pen and she is writing like is 1940 and Germans are invading. Here is how the conversation went:


Wow that was loud. "Good morning Gina, whats with the clipboard?"

"I'm taking drink orders for the department and if people want anything to eat, do you want something?"

Such a loaded question. "So did I board an airplane or something when I came in and just didn't know it?"

"Don't be a smart ass, I'm not a flight attendant. But thats very clever."

I know i am. "I'm sorry i couldn't resist"

"So did you want something or not?"

"Can I get a Mountain Dew and some Sun Chips?"

"Yes, but only if you just be quiet the rest of the day"

"I make no guarantees"

The Mountain dew is my Kryptonite. I love it, especially with Pizza. There wasn't even hesitation in my voice when i asked for it too. This early in the morning, i knew it would be a pick-me-up so i just went for it. That is the habit I really need to break. Its like how some people cant really wake up in the morning without coffee, i cant wake up with out a mountain dew. I have been slipping into small habits like that and after a long time they really build up and impact your health. So i guess old habits die hard..

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