
Looking Up

"How can we still get home, How can we still get home"

Have you ever been sitting in a room or outside and taken the time to look at whats above you. Besides becoming dizzy for a couple seconds, i find my experience is usually similar to the last; weather i be indoors or outdoors. I usually make some observation of architecture and think to my self "The person who designed this tial with all the holes in it must hate their life. How proud are you to be the guy that designed the reverse outer space tial." But after an initial cynical statement or thought, my mind wanders to whats above that. The sky. Then whats above that. Space. Then whats above that. God.

I'd like to think that when i die or when he takes me home, i would have the chance to float up, through the sky and space and marvel at the creation breathed into existence in just a week. I hope that i get the chance to see these near impossible things to fathom, so that we might grasp that God is so much bigger than us. He is so much more in control than we think/he appears to be. In 7 days he made everything that we know and so many things that we dont.

It all comes rushing back to me, as i sit and look up. My brain is a weird thing in the fact that after viewing something large, i compare it to something small. Do i deserve to be here looking at this creation, in my poor eye sight that only sees the surface of what things really are? No. I dont. But Gods will has me here. Im not going to sit here and lie to myself, I have done nothing that has glorified God in a long time. Maybe because i feel guilty for denying everything i swore i believed. Maybe because i feel like living a life where i dont care is easier than living one that i do care. I know that God forgives me, and that i need to accept that and confess and give all the guilt i carry to Jesus and pray for forgiveness.

"we're forgetting our forgiveness"

Too Bright to See Too Loud to Hear -Underoath

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