
Lunch Time

I'm about to go to lunch and I felt like saying something. Go Lakers. Actually, funny thing happened to me last week that I wanted to share. First, some back story.

As you may know the Phoenix Suns exercised demons in the Semi-final found of the playoffs this year by sweeping the San Antonio Spurs. The media in phoenix was foaming at the mouth during this series for a couple reasons. 1) the spurs are hated rivals. 2) They are notoriously dirty players (Nash broken nose, Horry hockey-style checking of Nash into the scorers table and Bowen stepping on people's feet as they go for jump shots, etc). 3) the spurs looked highly beatable and old with guys like Duncan, Parker and Gionobli. So the sweep occurred, there was redemption in the city of phoenix and all this while there is an immigration act that was being (and still is) hotly discussed. I'm not going to talk about the bill in this blog so no head shaking or anything like that, OK? good. So at this point, if you are a Suns fan, you are worked into a frenzy because sports immortality only occurs so often in phoenix and your Phoenix suns are in the Western Conference Finals. So who better to go through than the defending world champion Los Angeles Lakers. The Cross hair has been set, the enemy is now Kobe Bryant and the Lakers.

Ok back to me. So there I was, 7:04am going South bound on the I-17. Nearest car in front of me was about 200 yards away and about the same distance was the nearest car behind me. Perhaps I suffer from early morning partial blindness or maybe I am just completely unaware of whats going on around me but a car came out of nowhere and cut me off while getting into the fast lane, which is where I was driving. So right then I was thinking a couple things. "wtf?, there is NO ONE around me. How can you cut someone off so bad when there is tons of room". So as any young man in his mid-twenties would do, I honk at him. Not a "you-cut-me-off-you-Ahole" honk, but a "hey-Im-here-just-letting-you-know-that-we-dont-do-that-to-people-when- you-have-400-yards-to-change-lanes" honk (pretty standard, really).

Part 1.a of the story is that the evening before I had put a good sized Lakers sticker on the back window of my truck the night before. It wasn't as big or as obnoxious as some of the suns stickers I have seen out here but it wasn't small by any means. Like 8 inches long and 2 inches tall. My thought process is that If people can roll around here supporting their favorite teams, no reason I shouldn't be able too. Not to mention I lived in Sacramento for a year as a laker fan and survived so this would be a piece of cake.

So, after honking at the man who cut me off he decided to change lanes into the carpool lane (that's to the left of the fast lane) and started slowing down and after a couple seconds he was even with me on the freeway. I'm going to Pause the story here because there are a couple things that could happen..

Situation 1) He flips me off, I laugh and he drives off.

Situation 2) I give him the "wtf" look, he yells something That I obviously cant hear, menacing glances are exchanged then one of us speeds up or slows down just to get away from the other.

Situation 3) He pulls a gun out, shoots out my tires and I Mission Impossible style leap from my slowing, crippled car on top of his and we have a fight to control his vehicle careening down the interstate (I wont lie, was kind of hoping this one happened)

I went for the option 2, I gave him the "wtf" face. I would have never guessed in a million years what he said next. I watched and read his lips has he mouthed...

"Eff you Laker fan."

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