
Holy Bikini Bottoms Batman!

Plans for the weekend:

Wash Truck.

uhh.... what else..


Oil Change.


drawing a blank here..


Maybe Volleyball on Saturday morning? If I wake up on time.

OHHHHHHH! Wait. I want to see Inception. Heck yes.


So I saw District 9 a couple nights ago. I enjoy movies for a couple reasons. The story, execution or the story and most importantly.. the Special effects. I'm a guy.. deal with it. Anyways, I loved it. Story was solid, they executed it well by splicing the Documentary/real footage format, shows that everyone has the capacity for good and bad and that what it comes down to is choosing if you want to hate someone/something different or accept it for what it is and embrace it. I have heard/read a lot of feedback on how people hated the ending but you were given every indication that it was going to end that way from about the 1 hour mark of the movie. Hollywood dictates that he be saved in the end via something miraculous and everyone is made happy but had that occurred in this movie, i would have been indifferent. The reason I'm not indifferent is because it ended in the way that it should have. I wont give it away for those of you who haven't seen it but I assure you, the ending is one that reflects that of real life... Had aliens come here and we oppress them and so on and so forth.

I also Have to say that going into this movie, I expected for a somewhat believable ending given the premise of the movie. That sounds crazy I know but hear me out. Its presented as a documentary in the beginning so that tells me its going to be a plot that is believable even though it involves aliens and stuff. The way the aliens in the beginning were here, but not doing anything, and we went up to their ship and broke in essentially to find them all dying and helped them told me that we would assume superiority to them. Which naturally leads to us oppressing them because they are not like us. I'm getting off track here, my point is that the ending is what you should have expected. Not what you hoped it would be. Regardless, I loved it and they start shooting the sequel in October.

I cant wait

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